To order from Green Acres Atkins Market, simply register as a customer.

To register, please click on the "create an account” link below, enter basic account information and click “save”. Once you have created an account, log-in, shop, and place your order. Tip; save your user name and password.

The Green Acres Atkins online Market will be open for online ordering each week from *noon on Sunday till noon on Thursday.

There are options 1. Meet up at common location with farm wife :) (usually Conway or Russellville locations)
2. Pick up at farm store 379 Haralson lane Atkins
Please comment on your order which location for pickup you prefer!! Once food has been ordered, customers are responsible for picking it up.
Food that is not picked up will be donated or recycled. No refunds will be given, so please keep track of your orders.
To reduce costs and our environmental footprint, please bring your reusable bag to pick up
your order each week.

Please contact Green Acres Atkins at or 479.857.1387

Welcome, guest! Feel free to browse, but you must have an account before you can place an order. Would you like to log yourself in? Or would you prefer to create an account?


Search entire market by all or part of product name:
Chicken Drumsticks
Grower: Green Acres Atkins
Price: $9.00 ( Package )
Available (Exact): 10

Chickens are fed from the garden. vacuum packed, and frozen.
Chicken Wings
Grower: Green Acres Atkins
Price: $9.00 ( Package )
Available (Exact): 10

Chickens are fed from the garden. vacuum packed, and frozen.
Chicken, boneless breast
Grower: Green Acres Atkins
Price: $18.75 ( Approx 1 1/4 lbs )
Available (Exact): 2

Chickens are fed from the garden. vacuum packed, and frozen.
Chicken, boneless breast
Grower: Green Acres Atkins
Price: $15.00 ( Approx 1 lbs )
Available (Exact): 3

Chickens are fed from the garden. vacuum packed, and frozen.
Chicken, boneless breast
Grower: Green Acres Atkins
Price: $22.50 ( Approx 1 1/2 lbs )
Available (Exact): 1

Chickens are fed from the garden. vacuum packed, and frozen.
Chicken, tenders
Grower: Green Acres Atkins
Price: $15.00 ( Approx 1 lbs )
Available (Exact): 12

Chickens are fed from the garden. vacuum packed, and frozen.